Water carries nutrients to all cells in our body and oxygen to our brain.
It allows the body to absorb and assimilate minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other substances.
Beside flushes out toxins and waste, Water also play important
role to regulate

water for life

half-bottle stand-bottle

what are qualities of a good drinking water

natural mineral water is water with naturally occurring minerals that is obtained directly from underground sources that protected from pollution and bottled without undergoing chemical or other alteration to change its basic structure.
E+ E+
E+ totally fresh from nature!
Processed and bottled in a HEPA clean room, free from human's touch.
low in tds ( total dissolved solids )
consuming low tds eases our body from filtering unwanted toxic and
significantly reduces the health risks that come with it.
E+ E+
E+ has tds lower than 38pm, which is classified as excellent
drinking water by WHO's standard.
good minerals
because our body can't produce minerals organically.
minerals from water is more easily absorbed than from food.
E+ E+
E+ contains two naturally occurring minerals that our body needs,
which are calcium & magnesium.
alkaline pH balance
regular consumption of alkaline water may lower mortality from cardiovascular
and chronic diseases, as well as giving a positive impact on the overall health.
E+ E+
E+ has a natural alkaline ph balance ( pH8+) that is not acquired from
an artificial process or adding synthetic mineral compounds.
contaminant free
a good water should not be contaminated by toxins, heavy metals, virus, bacteria, or other substances that can be harmful to our wellbeing, such as chlorine and fluoride.
E+ E+
E+ free from any toxins, heavy metals, bacteria, viruses, other harmful
substances as well as water treatment chemicals, such as chorine and fluoride.
tastes great
a good water should be smooth on the palate and easy to ingest.
we tend to drink more water if it tastes great.
E+ E+
E+ has a refreshing taste, is smooth on the palate and is easy to ingest.
Try it, you will taste the difference!

product 2023

product 2023 image

quality in every drop

E+ has been tested and certified by various independent and government institutions' to ensure its safety and quality standards

typical analysis

pH >8.3 | Total Dissolved Solids <38 PPM Calcium 1.67 mg/L | Magnesium 1.00 mg/L

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